
The most sweeping reform of US food safety laws in 70 years, the Food Safety Modernisation Act (FSMA) shifts the industry’s focus from responding to contamination events to preventing them.

FSMA covers food, pet food, feed facilities and produce farms within and outside the US, as well as US importers and food transportation companies. Are you ready to comply?

SGS can help you ensure compliance with FSMA across the food supply chain with dedicated certification, audit, training, testing and technical services. Unlike previous food safety regulations, FSMA focuses on preventing contamination and requires organisations in the food industry to ensure safe practices throughout the supply chain

Are you a US importer?

The Foreign Supplier Verification Scheme (FSVP) requires importers to verify that the goods they import meet US food safety standards, using risk-based hazard analysis and supplier evaluation. Importers can accordingly decide whether further onsite supplier audits are required as a verification activity or testing and other activities may be applicable for certain supplier categories.

Once the FSMA certification scheme becomes available, US importers participating in the Voluntary Qualified Importer Program (VQIP) will also be able to request their foreign suppliers to obtain accredited FSMA certification.

SGS FSMA audits

Whatever your role in the food supply chain (producer, processor, manufacturer, packer, produce farm or importer), SGS’s comprehensive FSMA gap assessment and audit programmes simplify the FSMA compliance process and reduce the need for multiple audits.

Get ready and train your staff on FSMA requirements

SGS offers a variety of FSMA training courses to educate and qualify personnel at all levels of the food facility.

SGS has been the pioneer in offering Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) training courses in public, onsite and virtual formats. Virtual classes offer individuals and corporate teams the same in-depth learning experience without the need to travel.

SGS technical services

If you are a food, pet food or feed facility within or outside the US, or an importer of human or animal food, there are training, risk assessment, labelling, supply chain management, audit, testing and other requirements that apply to you.

SGS offers a wide range of technical support services around all of these requirements and can help you complete your compliance journey.


Through its global network of food labs, SGS can help you comply with the environmental monitoring, water testing, supply chain and allergen management requirements of FSMA. With a variety of testing protocols and expertise, we are the one-stop-shop for all your food testing needs.