Uelzena’s standard milk fat ingredients include high-quality butter and butter oil.
These can be made using fractionation, a technique unique to Germany. This technique allows for orders of specific qualities, such as melting points and hardness. It also ensures that the product has a consistant quality throughout the year, helping to overcome seasonal variation as milk contains harder fats in summertime.
The company makes milk butter and oils for many different customers, including manufacturers of biscuits and cookies, chocolate, hard candy, and confectionary.
Its butter has 82% milk fat content, while the oil has 99.8%. Both products are available with carotene or vanillin.
Puff pastry butter is also available with different melting points and anhydrous milk fat can be softened with nitrogen.
Another innovative concept used by Uelzena is the removal of colour or taste, as required. Makers of chocolates, crèmes, and sweets have benefited from this. All changes are physical and there are no added chemicals.
Standard packaging is 10kg or 25kg carton, a 2.5kg bar, or 2kg plate. Butter oil can be delivered in a heated container ore road tanker.