Hygienic Breakthrough in Container and Scale Parts Washing with KEN Industrial Washers
KEN has over 60 years of experience in developing and selling industrial dishwashers for professional catering firms, as well as tray washers and disinfecting washers for the healthcare sector. The latest developments in the hygiene sector have led to new products, which meet the requirements for the high standards of hygiene in the food processing industry.
KEN has developed the KEN Container Cleaner CC 1221 for washing and disinfecting most kinds of containers, the KEN Hopper Cleaner HC 948 for washing and disinfecting hoppers for multihead weighers, the KEN MPW 25/50 for washing machine components used in the food processing industry and the KEN Trolley Cleaner TC 910 for washing and disinfecting trolleys used for in-flight catering. All of these machines come under the KEN Maxi-Cleaner Division, and have been sold to more than 20 countries around the world. This makes KEN one of the world's leading suppliers to the food industry.
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