
Anhydro’s new Small-Scale Plant Division has celebrated its inception with a direct mail campaign to some 3,000 companies and institutions in 26 different countries. Based in Denmark and one of the specialist companies in the international Anhydro Group, Anhydro has created the new division in order to gather together and focus the full power of its comprehensive small-scale evaporation and drying expertise on the specific needs of trans-industrial small-scale plant customers.

Repeatability and Scalability
Anhydro small scale plants are designed for scientific test work, industrial research and development, as well as for small-scale production. The aim of the campaign is to underline the defining benefits of small-scale evaporators, spray and spin-flash dryers, and fluid bed dryers from Anhydro in terms of flexibility, safety, easy operation and cleaning, process control and scalability.

Matching the quality of their full-scale counterparts in every respect, Anhydro Small-Scale Plants offer reliable and cost-effective performance together with the reassurance of consistent process repeatability as well as scalability for manufacturers developing and testing applications and processes for high-volume production of innovative products.

Worldwide Service and Support
The campaign also underlines Anhydro’s commitment as a strategic and global partner for manufacturers. This means that customers can depend on the company’s worldwide customer service and support organization to provide rapid maintenance, spare parts and support at any time and in any place.