
Small-scale plants are a critical asset to companies and institutions making relatively small runs of highly specialized product for research or commercial purposes. They are also an important tool for processing companies looking to develop, test and market new products.

Focusing on special needs
In recognition of the increasing importance of small-scale application development and product testing in a highly competitive, global market, Anhydro has now renamed its entire range of pilot plants, bringing them together in the new Small-Scale Plant Division.

"Previously, pilot plants were marketed by the various divisions within Anhydro. The aim of the new Small-Scale Plant division is to gather together and focus the full power of our comprehensive small-scale evaporation and drying expertise on the specific needs of trans-industrial small-scale plant customers," says General Manager Søren Sten Rasmussen.

Repeatability and scalability
Anhydro’s new Small-Scale Plants Division delivers decisive benefits with the latest small-scale drying and evaporation technologies. Matching the quality of their full-scale counterparts in every respect, Anhydro small-scale evaporators, spray and spin-flash dryers, and fluid bed dryers offer reliable and cost-effective performance with consistent process repeatability. They also offer an assurance of process scalability for manufacturers developing and testing applications and processes for high-volume production of innovative products.

"The new division marks the intention of Anhydro to commit to the needs of a customer segment that spans a number of different industries, while sharing a common need for small-scale production," explains Søren Sten Rasmussen. "We will continue to develop and expand our range of solutions in the future in step with and in anticipation of our customers’ needs."

About Anhydro A/S
Anhydro A/S designs, manufactures and supplies advanced drying and evaporation process technologies and solutions for customers all over the world. Anhydro A/S is one of the specialist companies in the Anhydro Group whose experience, expertise and technology unite to provide a complete range of advanced liquid and powder processing solutions as well as air filtering solutions for the international dairy, food and beverage, brewery, chemical, healthcare, starch, pulp and paper industries.