To meet its ambitions for growth in France and internationally, PROVA®, a French intermediate sized enterprise (ETI) and a world leader in the extraction of vanilla, cocoa and coffee, is expanding
by investing EUR 50 million in its production facilities.
The first realisations of this ambitious plan are the opening of the company’s first factory outside France, in Thailand, and the opening of its second French factory, in Montrichard, Loir-et-Cher.
PROVA® invests EUR 50 million in its industrial facilities to support its growth
Founded in 1946, PROVA®, a world leader in the extraction of vanilla, cocoa and coffee for the agri-food industry and food trades, began its international expansion very early on. The company currently has a presence in 70 countries, with exports accounting for 75% of its turnover, which in 2023 amounted to EUR 110 million.
To support its strong ambitions for growth, particularly in China and the USA, the company is reinforcing its industrial facilities with a major investment plan worth EUR 50 million.
“To respond to our growth challenges, we need to massively invest in our production facilities, specifically by opening new sites. Our new Bangkok factory brings us closer to Asia-Pacific, a fastdeveloping area, and the Montrichard factory allows us to expand in the direction of complementary
units, specifically packaging for food trades. We are also continuing to invest in our Autruy-sur-Juine
factory in Loiret, which takes care of our existing production,” says Muriel Acat, President of PROVA®.
PROVA® opens its first factory outside France, in Thailand
To increase its coverage of the Asia-Pacific region, a fast-developing area, PROVA® is investing EUR 15 million in its first factory outside France. Located in Bangkok in Thailand, the 5000 m² factory
opens in June and will make aromatic products intended for the regional market.
“We have strong ambitions for development in the Asia-Pacific region and particularly in the Chinese market. It was essential for us to move closer to our customers. Thanks to this factory in Bangkok, we’ll be developing new flavours tailored to Asian cultures and we’ll drastically reduce our delivery times,” says Muriel Acat, President of PROVA®.
PROVA® strengthens its foothold in Centre-Val de Loire with its new site in Montrichard With this second French production plant based in Montrichard in Loir-et-Cher, PROVA® is reinforcing its industrial facilities in the Centre-Val de Loire region, where it employs over 155 people out of the company’s 375 employees.
The new 9000 m² site currently makes vanilla and coffee extracts and packages vanilla pods intended for food industry professionals. It will gradually incorporate extraction and flavour-mixing operations
for the agri-food industry.
In addition to the new Montrichard factory, where PROVA® has invested EUR 15 million, there are other investments to come in the region. The company is planning to expand and modernise its longstanding factory in Autruy-sur-Juine, Loiret.