
A global shortage of milk powder has led to major price increases which must be absorbed by ice cream manufacturers. Palsgaard has developed a solution which controls costs and improves critical quality parameters at the same time.

Palsgaard IceTriple® (patent pending) gives you a creamier, more stable and melt-resistant ice cream – a breakthrough in ice cream technology.


Milk solids and derivatives thereof as well as butter fat have undergone tremendous price increases in recent months. As an indicator, the price of skimmed milk powder rose by more than 60% in the period from September 2006 until June 2007. The price rises are caused by a number of factors:

  • The amount of EU livestock has been reduced considerably
  • Hot weather in the summer of 2006 led to a shortfall in EU milk deliveries
  • Increasing animal feed costs, as more and more feed crops are used for the production of bioenergy
  • An increase in EU cheese production as well as other value-added dairy products has led to a further reduction in the availability of milk for milk powders
  • Severe heat and drought in Australia in 2006/2007 has resulted in a massive reduction in milk volumes
  • Output in New Zealand is not expected to grow from 2006 to 2007, while the high demand for skimmilk powder will keep supplies short on the world market
  • Stocks of skimmilk powder in the EU have been reduced by 75% over the past two years
  • A high demand for casein and whey products is keeping the market out of balance

All of this has contributed to an imbalance between supply and demand, with significant price rises as a natural consequence.

Since milk solids are being a key ingredient in almost any ice cream formulation, the direct impact on production costs is immediately felt. Under normal circumstances, the milk solids would be replaced by cheaper alternatives, typically based on whey proteins in concentrated form. The prices of these alternatives, however, have tended to follow milk prices in general, and their functionality in ice cream imposes limitations on their use.


Palsgaard is now introducing the latest invention in emulsifier-stabiliser technology. The patent pending Palsgaard IceTriple systems are fully integrated emulsifier-stabiliser compounds based on propylene glycol esters of fatty acids (PGMS) E 477, and mono-diglycerides E 471, combined with various hydrocolloids, in accordance with local and individual requirements.

The specific emulsifier combination allows a reduction in the total milk solids content in a standard ice cream recipe by 20% to 25%, depending on the exact formulation and processing conditions. The above-mentioned cost implications relating to milk solids can thereby be minimised and in most cases totally neutralised.

With normal emulsifier-stabiliser solutions, a reduction in milk solids results in a lack of mouth feel, reduced creaminess, less heat shock stability and faster melting. The Palsgaard IceTriple solution ensures that these quality characteristics are maintained unaltered or even improved, compared to reference formulations.


Creaminess is determined by a complex interaction between the raw materials, the composition of the recipe, and the production process. Creaminess is mainly defined by the distribution of air bubbles in the end product – a phenomenon in which emulsifiers, in particular, play an important role. Palsgaard IceTriple adds an extremely smooth and creamy sensation to ice cream.


More uniform air cell distribution is also related to better melting resistance. A clear benefit of this is the possibility of creating recipes with reduced fat content while maintaining the sensory characteristics normally associated with much higher fat levels.

The melting profile of a particular ice cream is strongly influenced by the choice of emulsifiers in the recipe: emulsifiers control the degree of protein desorbtion during the ageing of the emulsion and affect the fat crystallisation. As such they also play an important role in preparing the mix for freezing and aeration. The improved melting profile is ensured primarily through the presence of the mono-diglyceride fraction of the compounds.


Palsgaard IceTriple offers excellent heat shock stability for ice cream. This ensures a pleasant texture and mouth feel even after repeated exposure to fluctuating temperatures.

In most parts of the world, ice cream is exposed to fluctuating temperatures before consumption, which in most cases will damage its texture, mouth feel and appearance.


The overall quality of an ice cream is determined by three characteristics:

  • Creaminess / sensory characteristics
  • Ability to withstand heat shock
  • Melting resistance

For years scientists, ice cream manufacturers and companies associated with the ice cream business worldwide have struggled to optimise each of these parameters. With Palsgaard IceTriple, you obtain a top score in all three.


There are alternative solutions, but none are as effective. For example, the latest generation of ice cream freezers makes it possible to extrude at very low temperatures, improving the churning and consequently the creaminess and smoothness of the final product, as well as positively influenced the melting resistance. However, although the initial size of the ice crystals is relatively small compared to traditional freezing techniques, ice crystals will still grow during storage time. There is no evidence that heat shock stability is improved through low-temperature freezing, which makes this technique less appealing.

Similarly, another means of improving the heat shock stability is the use of anti-freeze proteins. However, anti-freeze proteins are not easily obtainable and certain legal issues regarding their application must be observed.

Conventional stabilizers have been applied in ice cream production for many years. They are important in terms of fine-tuning the sensory profile of the product, and also retard the growth of ice crystals. However, they cannot endure repeated temperature fluctuations.


The Palsgaard IceTriple fully integrated emulsifier and stabilizer system offers the best melt resistance and optimum heat shock stability.

The specific emulsifier composition in each of the compounds is based on propylene glycol esters of fatty acids (PGMS) E 477, and mono-diglycerides E 471. It has been known for decades that PGMS ensure an unchanged smooth texture when ice cream has been exposed to heat shock, whereas the mono-diglycerides primarily contribute to the creaminess and the melting resistance.

Palsgaard IceTriple allows the production of ice cream with reduced milk solids content and fat level, without compromising on quality parameters such as melting profile, sensory characteristics and – in particular – heat shock stability.

The cost increases caused by the rising prices for milk solids that we have seen over the past six months can be simply overcome through a reduction of the milk solids content in the final ice cream product.