
Not all equipment that uses the Witte C-20 clamp is official Witte equipment. Our Witte clamp is manufactured wiht rugged cast aluminum and stainless steel construction. It has no pieces to vibrate loose, and does not need any adjustment. It opens and swings out of the way with several turns of a comfortable hand knob. The best part is that it is welded to the equipment and can’t wander away and wind up in someone’s home shop. It is no wonder so many equipment manufacturers purchase our clamps to put on their equipment. This includes blenders, conveyors, classifiers, coolers, dryers, mixers.

Even our competitors in the drying and cooling industries use our clamps. So if you see a clamp with WITTE cast into it on a piece of equipment that interests you, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will gladly tell you if it is our equipment or not, and at the same time, we would be pleased to quote you a dryer, cooler, classifier or conveyor made with the same quality and thought that went into the design of our clamp.