Dominant provides chemicals, cleaning, and hygiene systems to help companies in the food industry maintain a high level of cleanliness in processing facilities.
Dominant is one of the leading providers of state-of-the-art chemistry, innovation, and service to the food and beverage industries in Australia and overseas. Founded in 1958, the company is a 100% family owned Australian manufacturer, with facilities in all major capitals, including a national distribution and service network.
The company also provides training and monitoring services.
Cleaning chemicals, equipment, and clean-in-place (CIP) processes for food production facilities
Dominant understands the specific requirements of the food industry when it comes to cleaning and sanitation. The company’s chemicals are low-dye, non-residual cleaning products that are free-rinsing, non-tainting, and do not impart a fragrance.
In addition, chemicals and cleaning equipment are fit-for-purpose for use in a wide range of environments, including high-risk or high-care areas.
Handwashing and hygiene solutions for food and beverage manufacturing
Dominant provides a hand hygiene system that not only includes highly effective cleansers, sanitisers and dispensers, but also staff training to reduce the risk of outbreak.
Poor hand hygiene is the most frequently mentioned contributing factor in outbreak reporting. Solving handwashing issues in the food industry is not only about knowledge, training, products, or equipment; it is also about the best practices in structured, easy to follow actions.
Face-to-face and online training on safe chemical handling, cleaning processes, and good hygiene practices
Dominant offers a wide range of training courses, including:
- Food Safety and Hygiene
- Safe and Effective Use of Cleaning Chemicals
- Good Dishwasher Practice
- Good Laundry Practice
- Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) and Food Hygiene Procedures
Protein swab and bacteria reports, CIP validation summaries, and hygiene analysis
Dominant provides a range of integral hygiene monitoring services in food processing environments. This system plays a central role in ensuring that cleaning is carried out effectively and consistently. Dominant performs swab tests after areas have been cleaned and dried.
Protein swab, bacteria, and CIP validation reports include information from direct / indirect food contact areas and hard-to-clean spaces, which are the main focus of area swabbing programmes. Monitoring these areas is important to combat dust, liquids, and other contaminants that can be dropped drained, or transferred onto the product. Hard-to-clean areas may include nozzles, irregular or cracked surfaces, filler heads, or corners.
GHS safety data sheets and labelling
Dominant’s products are labelled to be fully compliant with current Globally Harmonised System (GHS) standards.
In addition, Dominant provides GHS compliant safety data sheets, dispensing bottles, safety wall charts, and hazard registers.