
For cool rooms and freezers, which food processors may use to store beverages, raw and perishable foods such as meat, dairy, fruit and vegetables, it is very important that the facility is kept at the highest possible hygiene level.

Concern in these facilities are:

  • Bacteria/pathogens that occur on and within the concrete matrix.
  • Contaminates and odours within the concrete
  • Mould, Mildew and fungi
  • Moisture Ingress
  • Concrete crazing
  • Slip resistance

When applied to cool rooms, freezer and chillers, DEFLECTA® products will provide accredited sanitised floor surface protection.

DEFLECTA products assists in preventing of the freeze thaw process in concrete. DEFLECTA products have been HACCP International accredited, suitable for food processing and storage facilities.

These following products are what we would recommend (but not limited to) for concrete concerns in freezers and cool rooms.


DEFLECTA ANTIMICROBIAL is government certified (APVMA approval no. 60195/56867) to kill bacteria / pathogens with a 99.99% kill rate for Golden Staph, E-coli, Listeria and Salmonella on and within the concrete matrix. It will stay active killing these bacteria / pathogens for a minimum of five years.

It produces a sanitised environment on the surface and within the concrete matrix with an internal moisture suppressant – the best solution for bacterial control and mould suppression.

DEFLECTA ANTIMICROBIAL® will prevent unwanted fluids entering new concrete and purging containments and odours that are held within the existing concrete matrix and a continuous sanitising process.


DEFLECTA SURFACE BINDER® is a water borne concrete sealer designed for use on concrete to provide a clear semi-gloss surface seal. It can be used internally for commercial or light industrial applications. HACCP Australia endorses this floor surfacing as being suitable in food processing and food handling environments in facilities that operate in accordance with the HACCP based Food Safety Programme.