

Lynside Pro GI+: new and safe for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • It is a Saccharomyces cerevisiae registered yeast in the CNCM; number of registration: I-3856
  • It is a proprietary strain, clinically tested on IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • This product helps to reduce intestinal bloating and abdominal pain
  • Lesaffre Human Care owns two clinical studies with 200 and 400 patients

Lynside Pro SCB: number one yeast probiotic worldwide

  • It is a Saccharomyces cerevisiae registered yeast in the CNCM, number of registration: I-3799
  • This product will reduce travellers’ diarrhea as well as diarrhea associated with antibiotics
  • It helps to promote the intestinal health of adults and children
  • Available as API (active pharmaceutical ingredient) grade

Probisis BS: Bacillus Subtilis, a room temperature stable ingredient

  • This is the Bacillus subtilis strain, registered in the CNCM under I-2745
  • It is a highly stable bacteria (spore form)
  • It is clinically tested to strengthen the immune defences
  • Probisis BS will reduce the risk of getting gastro-intestinal and respiratory infections
  • It will reduce the duration of illness by reducing the average number of sickness days

Yeast fractions

Lynside Wall basic: stimulates your immune system with unrefined yeast ß-glucans

  • Contains 25% of Beta 1.3-1.6 glucans and 25% of mannans

Lynside YE Glutathione

  • Contains 5% of a very stable form of Glutathione (GSH)

Nutritional yeasts

Lynside Nutri: brings proteins, fibres, vitamins, minerals and good taste to your diet

  • It is an inactive dried yeast
  • Primary grown yeast
  • Highly rich ingredient, containing 50% of proteins, 25% of fibres, B complex vitamins and minerals
  • It is available in different forms: fine powder, coarse particles, flakes, with or without a malt taste

Pure extracts

Lynside Pure SAMe: S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine

  • SAMe = S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine, known also as Ademetionine and Adomet
  • Helps to maintain emotional well-being, liver and joint health
  • Available as API pharmaceutical grade

Fortified yeasts

Lynside Forte: bioavailable fortified yeast in vitamins/minerals

  • LHC provides fortified yeast with different vitamins and minerals: selenium, zinc, chromium, copper, molybdenum and B complex vitamins
  • Available with many EU applicable claims