
IBC Water is a leading Australian water treatment company, established since 1888. We service a range of industries, supplying a wide array of solutions to meet most water treatment requirements. Our food industry customers include food packagers, seafood processors, chicken farmers, wineries, cold storage providers and bottling plants. Most of our products are ‘packaged’ or skid-mounted, for ease of installation.

Water treatment challenges in the food processing industry

The food processing industry faces a range of water treatment challenges such as:

  • Reducing the cost of town water consumption through water recycling and reuse
  • Removal / reduction of pathogens (including bacteria and viruses) from water and air
  • Hard water, mineral scale, staining and corrosion
  • Removal of solids
  • Reducing reliance on chemicals for water treatment
  • Bore and spear water
  • Environmental obligations with discharged water
  • Meeting Australian guidelines for drinking water quality

IBC Water solutions for the food processing industry

Our product range includes these water treatment, filtration and ozone disinfection systems:

  • Reverse osmosis and other membrane separation systems
  • Ozone generators for water and air applications, providing chemical-free disinfection
  • Wastewater treatment and recycling
  • Water softening
  • Multimedia filtration
  • De-ionisation
  • Clarification
  • Ultra violet (UV) disinfection systems
  • Chemical dosing pumps and monitoring, and control systems
  • Filter housings and cartridges, including absolute 99.5% efficiency cartridges
  • Micro filtration

Service and maintenance of water treatment, filtration and ozone disinfection equipment

To complete and enhance the IBC Water product range, we have a dedicated team of service personnel to provide a total service and maintenance solutions package. Many systems are able to be fully automated and monitored remotely using SCADA control technology. IBC Water can provide on-site and remote support as required.

Case study: ozone treatment for a seafood processing plant

Improving the safety of seafood products at one of our customer’s processing plants is a constant challenge. This customer has always been conscious of food safety and on the lookout for new technologies and techniques to ensure the microbiological cleanliness and safety of its plant and products. The company’s interest in our ozone solutions was based on the possibilities that ozone can offer: better microbiological control of raw materials and plant / equipment with a chemically non-residual approach.

The ozone systems ozonised all of the processing water the plant uses, including water for the ice machine. The entire plant is consistently and repeatedly washed by ozonated water throughout the day, starting when they round the fish, then during de-icing / in the thawing tub, weighing, cutting tables, washing equipment, CIP and washing the finished fish products just prior to packaging. For our seafood processor customer, the ozone benefits are:

  • Micro-organisms are killed on floors, in drains, in ice making, etc.
  • Lower BOD and COD in wastewater
  • The ice machine is slime-free
  • Plant clean-up is faster – less slime
  • Plant clean-up can be conducted during daytime breaks without having to remove fish products from the area
  • Improved plant sanitary conditions

IBC Water water treatment brands

IBC Water Group incorporates the well-known water treatment brands of A1 Filtration, IBC Water, Ozone Industries, and Dolphin Desalinators.

Our technical sales and engineering people will be happy to discuss options to best meet your business’s water treatment requirements.