A number of jobs could be saved at the Young's Seafood plants in Fraserburgh and Grantown on Spey following a revised restructure plan.

Last month Young's announced plans that it said could lead to the closure of the two processing sites and the loss of over 900 jobs.

The company said it is now considering maintaining production on a reduced scale at Fraserburgh and is seeking a buyer for Grantown on Spey.

A revised option will now see the Fraserburgh factory remain open but downsize to around 250 permanent staff – around half the current number – with no redundancies before 2016. A spokesperson for Young's did not comment when questioned on what had prompted the revision to the original plan.

In a statement, Peter Ward, CEO of Young’s Seafood, added: "The company is committed to constructive engagement with all stakeholders in a transparent way to explore all and every option to retain as many jobs as is feasible. I would like to thank all of the stakeholders present for their commitment and also recognise the on-going commitment of the workforce in these difficult circumstances."

Scottish business minister Fergus Ewing said the revised plan was "a significant and welcome move".

He said: "Young’s have engaged closely with the Scottish government and public sector partners. They have demonstrated a willingness to listen and recognise the value of retaining many of their dedicated workers in Scotland."