UK dairy group Wyke Farms and organic milk producer The Organic Milk Suppliers Cooperative (OMSCo) are extending their partnership for the production of organic cheese in a bid to boost global sales.  

The groups plan to treble the amount of organic cheese produced under their existing relationship, which stood at 1,000 tonnes last year. 

The companies revealed the new arrangement will see Wyke Farms sourcing all its milk for organic cheese production from OMSCo. Meanwhile, OMSCo will increase its range of specialist organic cheese made by Wyke Farms for export markets and take a share in the ownership of bulk cheddar stocks for a proportion of domestic and export sales.

The additional milk is a bid to allow Wyke Farms and OMSCo to capitalise on growing demand for organic cheese in markets like the EU and US, the companies suggested. This was “unattainable previously” due to “restricted milk supplies”, Wyke Farms noted.

Rich Clothier, Wyke Farms’ managing director, said: “Our combined scale and efficiency makes us the logical supply partners for organic cheddar. It gives us the capacity and milk supply necessary to expand organic cheese production rapidly. It also gives us access to OMSCo’s different milk types to produce organic cheddar with different attributes and with access to different markets.”

OMSCo’s managing director, Richard Hampton, added::”OMSCo has for a long time supplied raw milk to Wyke for organic cheese making, and Wyke Farms have also produced organic cheese, skimmed milk and butter on our behalf using our specialist milk types for markets such as the US, where we have a unique accreditation and access. 

“This new chapter presents an exciting opportunity to drive our joint business together, supporting the development of cheese stocks as well as allowing us to further develop our supplies of UK organic whey for use in our rapidly expanding specialist ingredients business. This is an example of OMSCo working more closely with our markets and end users of organic products across the globe.”