We8there.com, a new food related website is “taking the worldwide web by storm”, says Stanley Roberts, President and CEO. “We have designed a website that features restaurant reviews and allows our viewers to review any restaurant in the U.S.”

We8there.com includes an extensive wine section, there is a weekly editorial column written by Roberts, it also features a recipe section that includes chefs from all of the world presenting some of their favorite or most famous recipes. The website contains a page which allows diners and food service workers to reflect on their most memorable dining related anecdotes. We8there has strategic alliances with several other food related websites such as MenuHunter.com.

We8there.com was established in December 1999, and since its inception, has grown rapidly with a loyal group of followers, as is evidenced by the recent addition of a message board to the site. “There is no membership required,” says Roberts, “the purpose of We8there.com is to allow our users to review restaurants that might not appear in a conventional restaurant review guide, our site is interactive, it’s fun, and it is user friendly”. This website is built purely from public input for public review, if you are looking for a new restaurant, check out We8there.com and find out what a consumer much like yourself thinks about it rather than the paid opinion of a “restaurant critic”, or perhaps, if you have a review about a restaurant you want to share, this site is an opportunity to express your opinion on the world wide web, as the website’s motto states, “now everybody’s a critic!!”

Roberts, an award-winning Bay Area news Photojournalist, established the site in answer to being chided for years about his love of food and frequent restaurant visits, combined with the feeling that there was a shortage of resources to check out what other “normal” consumers thought about restaurants both locally and nationally.

We8there.com expects to hold an “official” launch in Summer 2000.

CONTACT: Stanley E. Roberts, CEO and President, 650-551-2002, or email, sroberts@we8there.com, or Carmen Jones, Editor-in-Chief, 650-551-2002, or email, carmenjones@we8there.com, both of we8there.com.

This release was issued through DigitalWork.com – Your Business Workshop More information on DigitalWork.com may be found at www.digitalwork.com

SOURCE: We8There.com