, Inc., (Pink Sheet:VITW) received registered trademark “Sweetherb”, the branded name for, Stevia Rebaundiana.

Stevia Rebaundiana is a sweet tasting herb that grows abundantly in Brazil and China. The green herb has been widely sold in powered, cut and sifted form for many years in South America. Stevia Rebaundiana has a licorice type flavor which can be extracted for a stronger effect. Stevia Extract is called Stevioside, the active named constituent of Stevia. In Spanish, Stevia means honey leaf and sweet herb. Stevia Extract is a widely used nutrient in Japan, including the use in popular soft drinks. As of late September, 1995, the FDA changed an alert, allowing for import and sale of Stevia only as a dietary supplement.

The Stevia extract used is 220 times sweeter than sugar. Stevia has been shown to have beneficial effects on diabetics by leveling their blood sugars, retarding the growth of plaque in the mouth, and to be anti-carcinogenic. Stevia also has incredible sweetening and food enhancement properties as it is used in most area(s) throughout the world.

“We see the future of Stevia, as the all natural alternative to the artificial sweeteners, Saccharin and Aspartame,” said Nicholas Ferrara, Office of Communication., Inc is a marketer, and distributor of quality vitamins, supplements and minerals (VSM). VITW is a public company doing business all over the world since 1996. Revenues are generated on multiple levels. VITW markets their products under several product and brand names Vita-Health Products, Infinite Life, BRL Nutrition, Sweet Herb, and Nutripharm. has done business with, Atkins Nutritional, Twinlab Corp, MetRx, Nature’s Way, , Yahoo Inc , Nature’s Sunshine, Baywood International Inc , Dermalay Industries, Natrol Inc., Naturade Inc., Oralabs Holding Corp., Pacific Health Labs Inc., Performance Nutrition Inc., Quigley Corp., Futurebiotics Inc., Novogen Ltd Ads, Ebay Inc., and Weider Nutrition International.

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