Men’s Health magazine’s survey into the eating habits of the average American
male does not reveal a pretty picture. The survey in this month’s issue found
that a man’s favourite snack is potato chips; and the meal they are most likely
to prepare for a romantic date is spaghetti.

Commenting on the magazine’s findings, a spokesperson from the American
Dietetic Association
, nutritionist Dr. Chris Rosenbloom said that they gave
a snapshot of an average male, and the ambivalence men have towards healthy
food consumption.

She said the typical male reaction would be: "I want the body that is
on the cover of Men’s Health but I don’t want to eat well to get there".

The magazine presented a rough guide for men on food intake, gathering the
information from a variety of sources; including the US Department of Agriculture’s
Continuing Survey of Food intakes, the Texas Department of Corrections,
the Snack Food Association, and the Food Marketing Institute’s Men’s
Food Shopping. One of the many useless facts from the survey included the revelation
that almost one third of men would rather marry a great cook than a great sex