In comments to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Food Processors Association (NFPA) has opposed both the creation of a nutrition label footnote and the establishment of a percentage daily value for trans fat.

“NFPA urges FDA not to proceed with rulemaking to include a percent Daily Value, or to include a nutrition label footnote or other consumer message for trans fat nutrient declaration,” said John R. Cady, president and CEO of the NFPA.

“FDA should only require the trans fat quantitative declaration on nutrition labels,” he added.

“Including a nutrition label footnote or other consumer message for trans fat nutrient declaration is an inappropriate use of nutrition labels given that any message on the nutrition label should not be used to warn against the purchase of some types of foods or to motivate consumers,” said Cady.

He also said the nutrition label on foods is not the ideal medium for educating consumers about the complexities of nutrition, particularly the intricacies of dietary fatty acids. He added that there was insufficient space on a food label to include messages of health education.