Shareholders of Interstate Bakeries Corporation (NYSE:IBC – news) at its Annual Shareholder’s Meeting held in Kansas City, Missouri, on September 26, 2000, approved the following:

  • The election of Charles A. Sullivan, Leo Benatar and Richard L. Metrick as Directors of the Company for three-year terms.
  • The appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as independent auditors for fiscal year ending June 2, 2001.

Following the Shareholder’s Meeting, the Company’s Board of Directors declared the quarterly cash dividend of $0.07 per share on the Company’s common stock, payable November 1, 2000, to stockholders of record at the close of business October 15, 2000.

Interstate Bakeries Corporation is the nation’s largest wholesale baking company with 66 bread and cake bakeries located in strategic markets from coast to coast. The Company is headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri.