GroceryLink, one of the Internet’s dominant order processing and database management services for the grocery supply chain, has taken a new name, eXchangeBridge, to fit its expanding role for the entire consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry.

“We are putting our unique package of services to work for much more than groceries now, and we needed a name to match,” said CEO Jim Heim. “We started building this system for the grocery industry, but what proved to work great for the grocery channel is now receiving increased demand from other distribution channels.”

eXchangeBridge’s services include web-based order processing, invoicing and synchronized database management. One of the clients of the Atlanta-based e-commerce company has already saved up to 30 percent on order-processing costs. The company’s web site is

Heim said eXchangeBridge used the grocery industry as the basis for building and rolling out its system, which replaces the slower, inefficient and error-prone conventional order processing methods. eXchangeBridge is now introducing the system to other mass marketed consumer product categories.

“It really doesn’t matter what CPG category you’re talking about — databases and order processing work basically the same for all of them, and many current systems are complicated and inefficient,” Heim said. “eXchangeBridge brings order, efficiency, and cost savings to the supply chain by centralizing the whole package on the Internet.”

The name eXchangeBridge was created to connote several meanings that are representative of the benefits the company has to offer, Heim said. The word exchange refers to a marketplace exchange, as in a central location for the transfer of data or sharing of information. The word bridge refers to the connecting or bringing together of trading partners. “Together the words reflect the greater efficiencies achieved by funneling synchronized data through a centralized point,” Heim said.

eXchangeBridge’s upcoming marketing campaign uses the tagline, “e-bridge for the consumer products supply chain,” and emphasizes that this is where trading partners can exchange vital data quickly and efficiently.