US pistachio growers and processors have joined forces to produce a website to inform consumers of the products and brands that are confirmed safe to consume, in order to help combat consumer fears over salmonella contamination.
As part of an ongoing collaboration with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the website – – has been produced by Cal-Pure, a co-op of California pistachio growers, and the Western Pistachio Association.
It is being made available in light of a recent pistachio recall by the processor Setton Pistachio of Terra Bella and Setton International, due to potential salmonella contamination.
The latest statement issued by the FDA today (6 April) said: “FDA is advising consumers not to eat pistachios or food products containing them (such as pistachio bakery goods and pistachio ice cream) unless they can determine that the products do not contain pistachios from Setton Pistachio of Terra Bella Inc.”
The recall affects certain bulk roasted inshell and roasted shelled pistachios shipped on or after 1 September 2008.
As a consequence, last week Frito-Lay, Kraft and Kroger were forced to issue consumer recalls on a number of pistachio products.
US nut maker John B. Sanfilippo and Son and retailer Publix Super Markets also added to the growing list of pistachio recalls in the country.