Spice maker McCormick & Co. is the latest company to be linked to the HVP salmonella scare in the US.

McCormick recalled packages of French onion dip mix, vegetable dip mix, onion gravy mix and corn stuffing mix late on Friday (5 March).

Last week, it was revealed that hydrolyzed vegetable protein, or HVP, manufactured by Basic Food Flavors could be contaminated with the bacteria.

A customer of Basic Food Flavors had notified the authorities of the contamination through the recently-created US “Reportable Food Registry” earlier in the week.

An FDA investigation then identified salmonella at the production site.

Basic Food Flavors then issued a voluntary recall of all powder and paste HVP made since 17 September last year.

HVP is an ingredient used as a flavor enhancer in many food products from soups and stews to hot dogs and snack foods.

The scare has drawn in a number of US food makers and retailers, including Homemade Gourmet, Reser’s Fine Foods and Safeway Inc.