In order to combat the childhood obesity epidemic Mars has formed a partnership with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, which is working with the William J. Clinton Foundation, the American Heart Association and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to promote healthy eating habits in children.
The company has joined the Alliance to support specific guidelines for food offered in schools. In order to help schools meet these guidelines, Mars is launching a new range of snacks that meet the Alliance’s guidelines for calorie, fat, sugar and nutrient content.
“Achieving the goals of the Alliance is all about rising up to deal with challenges. Schools and food manufacturers are challenged like never before to apply creativity, caring and commitment towards healthier school choices for children. We have put the vast nutritional science expertise of Mars to work to create innovative new products to offer to sale in schools that appeal to younger kids and teens and are designed with their unique nutrition needs in mind,” said Jamie Mattikow, president of Mars nutrition for health and well being.