Kellogg has filed a claim for at least US$60m at the bankruptcy court handling the demise of Peanut Corporation of America (PCA), the firm at the centre of a nationwide salmonella scandal earlier this year.

PCA filed for bankruptcy in February after a salmonella outbreak linked to peanut products made by the company.

The outbreak was linked to over 630 illnesses and at least nine deaths and led to more than 2,000 products have been recalled by a range of manufacturers and retailers.

Kellogg was among the US food makers affected by the outbreak as it sourced products from PCA and used the ingredients in a range of snack products.

Now, the US food giant is claiming costs and has lodged a file at the US Bankruptcy Court in Lynchburg.

A spokesperson for Kellogg told just-food that the company estimates the outbreak and resulting recalls cost the business around US$70m.

“Kellogg has submitted a proof of claim in the Peanut Corporation of America bankruptcy for at least $60m,” the spokesperson said today (18 June).

“In January, we said that the estimated impact would be around US$0.12 per share, which is approximately US$70m.”