Hot Stuff Foods has acquired Lettieri’s, a manufacturer of ready made food products.

The acquisition is being funded by Hot Stuff management, Lettieri’s management and Allied Capital Corporation. 

“The Lettieri’s transaction solidifies Hot Stuff’s leadership position within the ‘on-the-go’ food category and establishes an even greater daypart dominance for our brand,” said Des Hague, chairman, president and CEO of Hot Stuff Foods. “The addition of Lettieri’s significantly increases our market reach and presence within the c-store channel by adding established menu items and broadening our distribution channels,” he added.
The Lettieri’s acquisition will extend Hot Stuff’s reach to over 40,000 additional locations that will now have access to the combined resources of both.

“We are very excited not only with what Lettieri’s brings to Hot Stuff’s franchise partners, but also with the new and innovative programs and products we can offer to Lettieri’s distributors and retailers,” Hague concluded.