The US government’s latest childhood obesity report makes several recommendations including exploring an on-pack logo program identifying healthier, lower-calorie foods.

The report, by the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Health and Human Services, also suggests advocating the industry’s self-regulating Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) to increase sanctions against repeat offenders, and monitor product placement in movies, videogames and on television.

It also says CARU and food firms should set baseline nutrition standards for food marketed to kids.

Many companies have already been acting on these issues voluntarily, though often following threats of litigation and legislation.

Kraft curbed its ads to kids under 12, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo will pull sugary sodas out of schools and General Mills will soon launch new guidelines for promotions targeting children.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest, which initiates much of the litigation against food companies and the US government, has said it would be satisfied if the food industry followed the report’s advice.