General Mills insists its marketing of Nature Valley snacks in the US is accurate as it faces a lawsuit alleging deceptive labels.

“We stand behind our products and the accuracy of our label,” a General Mills spokesperson said today (1 August) after the company received confirmation of legal action in California.

Two women in California allege General Mills has used “deceptive labelling and marketing copy on packages” of Nature Valley bars.

According to US consumer watchdog Center for Science in the Public Interest, which is acting as co-counsel, the Nature Valley bars have “unnatural” ingredients.

The bars contain “industrially produced artificial ingredients such as high-fructose corn syrup, high-maltose corn syrup, and maltodextrin”, it said.

CSPI assistant director of litigation Seema Rattan added: “Few companies would like to brag that their ingredients are fresh from the factory but that’s exactly where high-maltose corn syrup and maltodextrin come from. General Mills is misleading consumers when it suggests otherwise.”