US dairy product manufacturer AgroFarma has launched a healthy addition to their yoghurt range.
The Chobani Greek yogurt is designed to offer an alternative to traditional yoghurts and are, as the producers say, “made using traditional European straining methods”.

“As consumers continue to seek out healthier ways of eating, many are adopting the Mediterranean diet, and the rewards couldn’t be greater,” said Hamdi Ulukaya, president of AgroFarma. “People in the Mediterranean region eat an abundance of food from plant sources, and consume yogurt and cheeses that contain lean sources of protein.”

Chobani’s are available in three sizes; 6 oz, 16 oz, and 32 oz and priced at US1.59, US3.99, and US6.59, respectively. The yoghurts are available in regional grocery and specialty food stores throughout the US.