Delivering its final statement on the advertising of food and drink products to children, the UK’s Ofcom has extended proposed advertising restrictions of food and drinks high in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) to include children under 16-years-old.

Originally, restricted advertising was proposed to protect the under-12s, but Ofcom has extended this following a period of further consultation.

Restrictions will now come into effect for all channels on a phased basis. From 1 April, HFSS adverts will be banned from programming aimed at pre-school kids and those aged between four and nine years. From 1 January 2008, these restrictions will be extended to all programmes aimed at children under 16 years old. Full implementation will be required by December 2008. 

Ofcom’s co-regulatory partners, the Broadcast Committee on Advertising Practice (BCAP) and the Advertising Standards Authority, are now responsible for implementing the new scheduling and content rules and securing compliance respectively, Ofcom said.