Yoghurt brand Muller was the most-promoted food brand in the UK in April, according to exclusive data seen by just-food.com.

Over 90% of the Muller SKUs on sale were on promotion last month, figures from mySupermarket-Insights.co.uk show.

The data, part of the just-food Promo Tracker launched today, showed 90.6% of Muller products were on promotion, with an average saving per promotion of GBP0.26.

The Promo Tracker showed that Danone’s probiotic yoghurt brand Actimel was the second most-promoted food brand, with 84.6% of SKUs on sale on promotion.

Danone’s Activia, Procter & Gamble’s snack brand Pringles and Tilda rice made up the top five most-promoted food brands.

The just-food Promo Tracker shows the most-promoted food brands and food categories in a calendar month at the four food retailers monitored by mySupermarket-Insights.co.uk – Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s and Ocado.

In April, some 32.2% of all SKUs on sale at Tesco were on promotion.

Exclusive data from mySupermarket-Insights.co.uk
Brands % of all SKUs on promo Average saving per promo
Muller 90.6 £0.26
Actimel 84.6 £0.66
Activia 78.6 £0.91
Pringles 77.2 £0.97
Tilda 74.8 £0.52
Rachel’s 69.0 £0.30
Ben & Jerry’s 67.9 £0.77
Kingsmill 65.6 £0.22
Uncle Ben’s 64.0 £0.24
Tesco Italian 63.1 £0.31
Walkers 62.4 £0.34
61.5 £0.58
Pot Noodle 61.5 £0.18
Mr Kipling 60.4 £0.17
Plum 60.2 £0.43
New Covent Garden Food Co. 59.5 £0.82
Kettle 57.7 £0.57
Benecol 57.7 £0.47
Goodfella’s 54.7 £0.76
Colman’s 54.0 £0.18
Bernard Matthews 53.3 £0.88
Philadelphia 52.2 £0.30
Dorset Cereals 52.1 £0.77
Seeds of Change 51.5 £0.49
Green & Black’s 50.4 £0.44
Cow & Gate 49.9 £0.21
Dairylea 48.7 £0.86
Lindt 48.6 £0.71
Birds Eye 47.2 £0.48
Dolmio 47.1 £0.24
Exclusive data from mySupermarket-Insights.co.uk
Categories % of all SKUs on promo Average saving per promo
Cooked, Prepared Meat & Poultry 58.8 £0.50
Yogurts 52.5 £0.28
Frozen Pizza & Breads 47.5 £0.50
Baby Food & Snacks 41.2 £0.22
Snack Meals 40.6 £0.15
Chilled Desserts 39.9 £0.23
Frozen Desserts & Fruit 38.6 £0.45
Sausages & Burgers 38.4 £0.38
Crisps & Snacks 38.2 £0.42
Boxed Chocolates 36.8 £1.29
Pasta Sauce 36.2 £0.33
Chocolate Bags, Bars & Multipacks 35.0 £0.24
Frozen Vegetarian 32.5 £0.35
Frozen Ready Meals 32.2 £0.55
Ice Cream 31.7 £0.87
Frozen Poultry 31.6 £0.86
Fresh Pizza & Chilled Bread 31.3 £0.58
Fresh Pasta & Pasta Sauce 31.0 £0.27
Bacon 30.8 £0.55
Pies & Quiches 29.2 £0.49
Fruit 29.2 £0.57
Frozen Fish & Seafood 29.0 £1.02
Stock, Sauce Mix & Gravy 28.8 £0.24
Block Chocolate 28.8 £0.29
Rolls & Bagels 28.7 £0.19
Cheese Snacks 28.0 £0.66
Rice, Pulses & Grain 27.9 £0.31
Frozen Meat 27.3 £0.49
Breakfast Cereals 27.2 £0.65
Sweets 26.8 £0.23
Exclusive data from mySupermarket-Insights.co.uk
Supermarket Total number of SKUs Number of Promos % of all SKUs on promo Average saving per promo
Tesco 31666 10184 32.2 £0.91
Sainsbury’s 23281 6763 29.0 £1.08
ASDA 26528 7137 26.9 £0.52
Ocado 19115 2980 15.6 £0.77