Member governments of food standards body Codex Alimentarius are considering new rules on additives that can be used in foodstuffs labelled organic, such as calcium carbonate, malic acid, citric acid, ascorbic acid and 31 others.

The Codex committee on food labelling has drawn up rules saying when and whether these additives can be used in plant or animal-based organic foods.

It has also drawn up reformed rules on the labelling of pre-packaged food, for instance on listing ingredients and setting quantities. Governments must comment on these proposals by 15 November.

Meanwhile, another Codex committee – on residues of veterinary drugs – is consulting on another proposed set of global rules – on risk analysis principles for setting maximum residue levels for all foodstuffs. Here the deadline for comments is 1 December. Another Codex committee, on food additives and contaminants, meets in Geneva on 3-7 July to debate rules on a new numbering system for additives, amongst other issues.
