Ideas are being sought for innovative research projects which will help the Food Standards Agency Scotland further improve the safety and standard of the food on our plates.

The Agency in Scotland has a budget of £2 million this year for research and is keen to hear what scientists and other relevant parties think the money should be spent on.

The cash will be spent on projects which are of specific relevance to Scotland. Possible research areas include:

  • E. coli O157, which has a higher prevalance in Scotland than in any other part of the UK;

  • diet and nutrition, where Scotland has a particularly poor record.

Jim Thomson, Assistant Director at the Food Standards Agency Scotland, said:

“We have almost £2 million to spend on research in Scotland but want to hear from others how they think that money can be best spent to protect consumers. The information we receive will be discussed at a research workshop to be held in May before our final research programme is put together.

“Ideas can be short, medium or long term and may include proposals for joint projects. We look forward to people feeding us their views.”

Professor Hugh Pennington, who sits on FSA Scotland’s Research Task Force, said:

“Research is a vital part of the Agency’s work. It can help us understand more about the food bugs which strike consumers down so we can better fight them, it can help us understand more about the nutritional quality of food so we can help consumers make healthy choices and it can help us find revolutionary new ways of testing the safety of food.”


  1. The Food Standards Agency Scotland has a budget of £4.9 million this year (2001/02). Of this, £2million has been earmarked for research.

  2. A consultation letter has been issued today seeking views on how that money should be spent. The closing date is 4 May.

  3. A copy of the letter can be obtained by telephoning 01224 285116.

For further information contact John Booth on 01224 285120. Out of hours contact: 07699 782183.