A group of single farmers have put their mug shots on bottles of Calon Wen organic milk carrying the slogan ‘Fancy a Farmer’ and a link to a lonely-hearts website in the hope of finding love.

According to a report in the Telegraph, the scheme is the brainchild of 30-year-old milk farmer Iwan Jones, from Groes, near Denbigh, in north Wales.

Jones is a director of the Calon Wen co-operative of organic dairy farmers. He told the Telegraph: “The Welsh countryside is a great place to live, with stunning scenery, but it can be a hard place to find a date, as I’m finding out.

“Calon Wen was founded to support family farmers but a quarter of our members are single, which was becoming a bit of a joke. We want to encourage farmers to consider on-line dating as a fun way of meeting people.”

The project, which features three men and two women, launches today (26 January).