Confectionery giant Ferrero is set to build a production plant in Western Turkey in 2013 as part of its plans for growth in the region.

The new facility will be Ferrero’s 19th production plant and will be built in the industrial zone of Manisa, near the city of Izmir.

Turkey is a country of “strategic importance” as a supplier of raw materials – 80% of the hazelnuts Ferrero uses come from Turkey – but also as a domestic market for Ferrero products, the company said.

A statement on the Ferrero website said: “With this decision, Ferrero has shown that it firmly believes in the economic development of Turkey and is particularly interested in the demographic growth of the country.”

UK managing director Christian Walter added: “Turkey is strategically interesting, not only as an internal market but also because it influences nearby countries like Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.”

The company says that in the next five years it expects 70% of its growth to come from emerging markets.

The plant is expected to extend over an area of 146,000 sq metres, employ 200 staff and produce Nutella and Kinder chilled products.

Ferrero’s Social Enterprises, the company’s CSR scheme, also aims to improve the health and educational opportunities for children living in the area.