Europe’s milk strikes have dominated our news pages this week after farmers from France to Austria demanded higher prices. The dispute, alongside the UN’s call for higher food production and demands in the US for the removal of food colours from products, were among the top ten stories on just-food over the last seven days.

GERMANY: Milk strike ends to pave way for talks
German farmers have ended their ten-day strike after winning assurances from major retailers that milk prices would increase.

European dairy: an industry in crisis
European farmers have launched a delivery boycott in protest at the falling price of milk and rising production costs. However, with dairy companies, retailers and consumers all feeling the pinch from rising energy and food costs tough negotiations could be in store. Katy Humphries reports.

GLOBAL: Food production must rise by 50% – UN
Global food production must rise by 50% by 2030 in order to meet soaring demand, the UN Secretary General said today (3 June).

US: Protect kids from food dyes, says CSPI
The debate over food additives and hyperactivity in children has intensified in the US after a leading consumer watchdog said eight dyes should be banned.

UK: Cadbury rules out Hershey deal
Cadbury is aiming to expand through organic growth and bolt-on acquisitions, ruling out any potential merger with US confectionery giant Hershey.

US: Pierre in emergency talks with lenders
US convenience food firm Pierre Foods has launched emergency talks with its bankers after soaring commodity costs led the company to break its lending agreements.

UK: “Ethical shopping” to withstand crunch, says IGD
The credit crunch will not reverse the rise of “ethical shopping”, the chief executive of retail analysts IGD said today (4 June).

AUS: Warrnambool joins Dairy Farmers race
Australian dairy firm Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Factory has joined a bid by National Foods to buy Dairy Farmers.

UK: ABF strikes Jordans, Ryvita merger
Associated British Foods has taken control of UK cereal maker Jordans with an agreement to merge its Ryvita crispbread business with the company.

US: Heinz to build ready-meals site
Heinz is to build a ready-meals production facility in the US state of South Carolina.