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The future of work. What does it mean? Well, industry boardrooms need to start understanding the concept – and quickly.
During the depths of Covid-19, there was much talk about whether a ‘new normal’ would emerge across all facets of life, including how we would work and, as a consequence, how business leaders would structure their organisations.
The most obvious immediate change has been in the way more white-collar workers (and their bosses) have embraced the notion of ‘hybrid’ working arrangements, dividing up the week in the office and at home.
But the concept of ‘the future of work’ is much broader, taking in what staff want from their employers around a sense of mission and around corporate values.
The future of work also encompasses business’ increasing use of technology, from automation to AI, to improve productivity, enhance product quality, or help shape innovation. There are fears the wider deployment of the technology could hit human jobs.
In the issue of Just Food’s quarterly digital magazine, the case is made that companies need to work harder in areas such as diversity and wellbeing.
We also hear that boards need to respond to growing concerns about CEO remuneration.
And that new technologies can work alongside humans and complement existing staff.
Plenty of food for thought.
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