Netherlands-based fruit and vegetable major Staay Food Group has bought local pears grower Westende Fruitteelt.

Financial details of the deal were not disclosed.

The Papendrecht-headquartered company said it expects the transaction to “consolidate” its “leading position” in Dutch top fruits.

Staay Food Group will take over Westende’s 135-hectare pear production site, located in Fijnaart in the North Brabant province.

The Fijnaart site processes Conference, Red Conference, Doyenne de Comice, Dazzling Gold and Red Conference pears.

In a statement, Staay Food Group added the acquisition would help it “shorten supply chains by cultivating more of its own products”, in the areas of “top fruit, stone fruit, melons/pineapples, and greenhouse and leafy vegetables”.

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Around 25 employees work at Westende. The pear grower also hires an average of 400 workers to support its seasonal harvest.

Set up in 1946, Staay Food Group supplies fresh and processed fruit and vegetables for retail, wholesalers and foodservice customers.

The company grows pears and leafy greens at production sites in the Netherlands, fruits and vegetables such as cauliflower, spinach, pomegranates and cherries in Spain, and pineapples and melons in Costa Rica.

It also has partnerships with growers and other companies for some of its products in the Netherlands, Brazil and Costa Rica.

In early 2020, Staay Food Group joined up with fellow Dutch poultry giant Plukon Food Group to acquire local fruit and vegetables processor Fresh Care Convenience.

Both groups entered into an agreement to buy 51% of the company, which was formerly Staay Food Group’s international business unit. Plukon acquired the remaining 49% over the next three years, renaming the site Plukon Convenience Dronten.

The site is now used to process fruits and vegetables for Plukon’s salads and ready meals products. Staay remained linked to the production site as a supplier of unprocessed vegetables, according to its website.