Talks are scheduled over the next week between the management at Spanish baker Panrico and unions as strike action at the company continues.

Industrial action at Panrico’s Santa Perpctua de Mogoda factory in Barcelona started on 13 October.

Discussions are set to centre on a plan put forward by management to revitalise Panrico’s business.

The strike, called by the CCOO and UGT, the two main unions at the plant, is over non-payment of wages and threatened redundancies.

Last month, Panrico suspended the pay of over 4,000 staff as part of plans to stave off possible bankruptcy. The company, which says it has run up EUR700m of losses in the last four years, also put forward plans to cut 1,900 jobs and reduce salary costs by a third.

Earlier this month, Panrico started partially paying staff but the unions still called strike action in protest at the suspension.

Management reportedly warned at the weekend that no employee was essential. Panrico, majority owned by US private equity house Oaktree Capital Management, is Spain’s largest bakery group by turnover and is restructuring. Neither Panrico nor the unions were commenting on the eve of talks that were expected to begin today.