Slovenian fruit and veg processor Rastoder has signed a cooperation deal “worth between EUR70m and EUR100m (US$95-135m)” with Agrokor it announced yesterday (11 June).
The contract will see products of a higher quality “be made available for the same or lower price to Agrokor customers”.
The president of Agrokor, Ivica Todoric, said: “Their [Rastoder’s] work and the quality of their products attracted our attention. The test period, during which we investigated not only their delivery capabilities, but also the experience of their customers in other countries, has been completed with excellent feedback. We continue to monitor the operations and products of other interesting companies in Slovenia and the wider region, which we would like to include in our system in order to enhance our offer to customers.”
Izet Rastoder, the owner of Rastoder added: “Such contracts are the result of years of quality work, and proof that collaboration can improve business for both partners”. He also said that he believed that the integration of Agrokor and the Slovenian retailer Mercator would be a great business opportunity for Slovenian companies.