Petits Filous fromage frais was the UK’s most-promoted food brand in June, according to the latest data from the just-food Promo Tracker.

Over 85% of the Petits Filous SKUs on sale were on promotion, data from shows.

However, each of the four retailers monitored by the tracker – Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s and Ocado – had a smaller proportion of their SKUs on promotion in June than in May.

Yoplait-owned Petits Filous headed a list of dairy brands in the top four spots in the Tracker.

Danone’s Actimel had 81.7% of its SKUs on promotion. Muller, which has headed the Tracker for the last two months, had 74.1% of SKUs on promotion. A second Danone brand, Activia, had 71.3% of its SKUs discounted.

Asda’s own-label Fresh Tastes range made up the top five most-promoted brands. The data showed that 70.8% of its SKUs were on promotion in June.

Tesco had a greater proportion of its SKUs on promotion, with just under 23.4%, although this was down sharply from last month’s 35.6%.

Each retailer had a smaller proportion of SKUs on promotion in June. Sainsbury’s had 20.1% of its lines on promotion, compared to 27% in May. Asda had 19.1% of its SKUs discounted in June against 22.4% in May, while Ocado sold 10.8% of its SKUs on promotion in June versus 16.9% a month earlier.

The top five most-promoted food categories were cooked, prepared meat and poultry; frozen pizza and breads; yoghurts; baby food and snacks; and snack meals.

Exclusive data from
Brands % of all SKUs on promo Average saving per promo
Petits Filous 85.4 £0.44
Actimel 81.7 £0.59
Muller 74.1 £0.21
Activia 71.3 £0.23
ASDA Fresh Tastes 70.8 £0.40
Goodfella’s 67.9 £0.69
Innocent 66.7 £0.51
Walkers 54.7 £0.38
Pringles 54.1 £0.67
Sainsbury’s Italian 52.7 £0.38
Rachel’s 52.6 £0.29
Uncle Ben’s 50.0 £0.41
Cow & Gate 47.9 £0.13
Fox’s (Biscuits) 47.9 £0.46
KP 46.9 £0.38
Amoy 46.7 £0.38
Tesco Italian 43.9 £0.48
Plum Baby 43.2 £0.31
Quaker 42.1 £0.37
Bernard Matthews 41.3 £0.96
Exclusive data from
Categories % of all SKUs on promo Average saving per promo
Cooked, Prepared Meat & Poultry 49.21 £0.59
Frozen Pizza & Breads 47.98 £0.55
Yoghurts 40.52 £0.26
Baby Food & Snacks 36.76 £0.18
Snack Meals 34.96 £0.22
Crisps & Snacks 34.24 £0.44
Fruit 30.91 £0.89
Chilled Desserts 30.81 £0.17
Sausages & Burgers 28.89 £0.54
Frozen Vegetarian 28.30 £0.33
Fresh Pasta & Pasta Sauce 28.15 £0.37
Longlife Fruit Juice 28.12 £0.37
Frozen Ready Meals 27.70 £0.42
Rolls & Bagels 27.69 £0.19
Chocolate Bags, Bars & Multipacks 25.03 £0.35
Frozen Poultry 25.00 £0.70
Fresh Vegetarian Food 24.91 £0.62
Dips & Fillers 24.62 £0.24
Frozen Desserts & Fruit 24.04 £0.47
Frozen Meat 22.14 £0.53
Tinned Pasta 22.05 £0.17
Bacon 21.29 £0.59
Frozen Fish & Seafood 21.17 £0.73
Rice, Pulses & Grain 20.85 £0.43
Ice Cream 20.47 £0.73
Pasta Sauce 20.30 £0.40
Sweets 20.21 £0.16
Cheddar Cheese 19.86 £0.63
Block Chocolate 19.78 £0.38
Deli Meat 19.55 £0.44
Exclusive data from
Supermarket Total number of SKUs Number of Promos % of all SKUs on promo Average saving per promo
Tesco 28994 6775 23.37 £0.93
Sainsbury’s 22116 4440 20.08 £1.05
ASDA 25462 4855 19.07 £0.54
Ocado 18826 2025 10.76 £0.83