Dutch grocery retailer Ahold lost a court case against Schuitema on Thursday (24 March) around its decision to acquire some Jumbo stores in early 2010.

The case against Schuitema was brought by Ahold following Schuitema’s C1000 chain’s decision to acquire 79 Super de Boer-owned Jumbo stores in early 2010.

Ahold sold its 73.2% stake in Schuitema to private-equity firm CVC Captial Partners in 2008, and part of the agreement meant that it would have rights over strategic decisions until 22 April 2011.

Ahold brought the case to court as it considered the acquisition of the 80 stores as a strategic decision. However, an Ahold spokesperson told just-food that the court ruled Schuitema could not have told Ahold about the negotiations to acquire the Jumbo stores for competitive reasons.

The Ahold spokesperson added that it has three months to decide whether it will appeal the decision.