Food giants Nestlé, Danone and Mars are among signatories to a new sustainability alliance to promote the use of fibre-based packaging.

Brussels-headquartered Confederation of European Paper Industries (Cepi) has launched 4evergreen, which aims to “boost the contribution of fibre-based packaging in a circular and sustainable economy that minimises climate and environmental impact”. 

The European body representing the paper industry said it will seek EU legislation to support the project in aspects of recyclability and associated infrastructures, along with the development of specialised collection systems.

4evergreen is described as a “forum to engage and connect industry members from across the fibre-based packaging value chain, from paper and board producers to packaging converters, brand-owners and retailers, technology and material suppliers, waste sorters and collectors”.

Jori Ringman, Cepi’s director general, said: “Our industry already has a strong track record in environmental performance and recycling, but our ambition is higher. We are driving a system-wide shift to transition to the next level of circularity and climate resilience. 4evergreen will be the place for the whole industry value chain to co-create and collaborate for a change.”

Nestlé, Danone and Mars are the first global food companies to sign up to 4evergreen, with the more than 25 other companies mainly from the packaging industry.

Both Nestlé and Danone confirmed their participation in the project to just-food but declined to offer any additional statement. Mars had not responded at the time of writing.