Litehouse has promoted Kelly Prior to chief executive of the US-based condiments and cheese business, meaning he now has two roles having been appointed president in February.

Jim Frank was the CEO until he retired in November last year when the Idaho-based firm said it was commencing a search for a new chief. Prior had been filling the role on an interim basis but has now been elevated to the permanent CEO. Previously, he was the company’s executive vice president and finance chief.

Prior joined Litehouse in 2002 and was promoted to CFO in 2005. He became executive vice president in 2010, moved to interim president last year, and then to president. “Prior has made it a priority to focus his time and energy on developing a long-term business strategy for Litehouse,” the company said in a statement.

Litehouse claims to be the number one brand in the US for refrigerated salad dressings, serving retail and foodservice channels. It also provides value-added products such as meal and salad kits.

In May, the business acquired another US condiments maker, Sky Valley Foods, which produces organic, shelf-stable condiments, dressings and sauces sold under its namesake brand and Organicville. Virginia-based Sky Valley Foods was formed by the merger of Wizard’s Cauldron and Organicville Foods.

Curt Hecker, a member of Litehouse’s board, said in the statement its deals for Sky Valley and Organicville elevated the company from a “manufacturer in the produce and deli departments to a manufacturer across multiple categories throughout the grocery store”. 

He continued: “The past year has been a dynamic and exciting time for Litehouse. With this expanded scope, it’s imperative we put an individual in the CEO role who has vision and a reputation of moving the business forward. Kelly’s track record of strategic thinking, strong business acumen and outstanding relationship skills made him the right choice for the role.”