Kellogg has pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 65% by 2020.

At the New York Times Energy for Tomorrow Conference in Paris, the cereal maker said it planned to cut the emissions across its own operations and, for the first time, work with suppliers and help to reduce their emissions by 50% by 2020.

The goals are an update of the 2014 goals when the company agreed to lower greenhouse gas emissions in its own operations; increase the use of low carbon energy; and require all key suppliers to measure and publicly disclose their own emissions and reduction targets.

Since 2008, Kellogg says it has reduced greenhouse gas emissions from its manufacturing facilities by 12%. It has also committed to supporting 5,000 smallholder growers by 2020 to increase adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) – an approach to address the interlinked challenges of food security and climate change.

“People care about their food, where it comes from, the people who grow and make it, and that there’s enough for everyone. We must live our values and communicate with transparency to earn our seat at millions of tables every day. Science shows that climate change will reduce food productivity and food security at the same time our world’s population is growing and requiring us to feed more people with fewer natural resources. That’s why Kellogg is working on multiple fronts to address the risks climate change poses,” said John Bryant, Kellogg chairman and CEO. 

“We recognise the interconnected and inter-reliant nature of our business with suppliers, farmers, customers, consumers and governments,” said Bryant. “These types of commitments require cooperation across the full supply chain. That is the only way we can truly be successful.”