Brazil-based meat behemoth JBS has launched a range of seafood products in its domestic market under its flagship brand, Seara.

JBS has rolled out a line of ten products, including salmon chunks and tilapia fillets, amid rising demand for fish and seafood products in Brazil.

Sandro Facchini, fish business director of the Seara unit, said JBS was seeing “growing consumption of this type of protein” in the country.

“Following the launches, the objective is to establish the company as the leading fish company in Brazil. We will use the company’s entire logistics and sales structure to reach Brazilian tables with certified products that combine the characteristic attributes of the brand, such as quality, innovation, healthiness and sustainability,” Facchini said.

JBS sells a range of meat products, convenience foods and margarine under the Seara brand. 

In 2019, the company took the brand into the market for plant-based alternatives to meat with the launch of the Incrivel burger. JBS’ meat-free ambitions have also seen the company set up Planterra Foods, a standalone business unit in the US, one of its largest markets outside Brazil.