Italian dairy company Parmalat, owned by French peer Lactalis, is to launch an e-commerce offering after what its describes as the “unprecedented growth” of online shopping during the Covid-19 period.

It suggested it has opened a “new dialogue with customers” that allows them to buy “safely and fast” milk, creams, juices, dessert and also meat and cheese.

The online shop, which the firm said is a response to the “changed behaviour of consumers who are increasingly choosing online purchases,” is now a permanent feature of the company’s website.

Giovanni Pomella, general director for Parmalat’s Italian business unit, said: “This project was born into a journey of digital transformation which will create new business opportunities through a fast-growing channel.

“Considering the change of habits, it is important to open a dialogue with consumers. We have the ambition to provide not only products, but also a buying experience, which will evolve to be consistent with the needs of Italian families.”

The portal was developed in partnership with marketing and shipping business Deliverti.

Parmalat pointed out that, prior to the lockdown, Italy has one of the lowest take-up rates of e-commerce in Europe.