The Isaly’s dairy and deli brand in the US is returning to the freezer aisle with the relaunch of Isaly’s Ice Cream under brand owner Conroy Foods.

The US first got a taste of Isaly’s Ice Cream back in the 1930s in Pittsburgh when Henry Isaly, a descendant of the Swiss family that had originally emigrated with its dairy know-how to Ohio in 1833, began serving up the ice cream in his deli-grocery stores.

The Isaly family retired in the 1980s and the brand was passed on. The deli line continued under new owners and family friends, the Deily family, but ice cream production stopped.

Conroy, acquired the original Isaly’s ice cream recipes when it bought the brand from the Deily family in 2015 and is now relaunching the product with flavours including Whitehouse Cherry, Maricopa, Vanilla, Chocolate, Mint Chocolate Chip, and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.

A Conroy spokesperson told just-food it was not known when or why ice cream production stopped in the intervening years after the Isaly family’s retirement.

“When investigating a box of Isaly’s memorabilia they received in the purchase, the Conroys discovered an original Skyscraper scoop, an Isaly’s store operational manual, and much to their surprise, all of the original ice cream formulas,” the spokesperson said.

Conroy co-founder Jim Conroy told just-food: “We used these recipes for inspiration to bring the product back to its original glory. We wanted to bring back a product that brought joy to so many people. We’re currently selling along the East Coast in the Giant Eagle grocery chain, but are looking to expand our footprint.”

Mr Conroy said his company is also continuing to supply Isaly’s deli products, including Isaly’s Chipped Ham, “which have been on the market as long as I can remember and are synonymous with Pittsburgh culinary traditions”.