Carbery Milk Products has officially opened a new cheese-manufacturing site, which is designed to improve efficiency and produce more value-added cheeses.

The official opening ceremony, which was attended by the Irish Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Brendan Smith, took place today (16 July).

The plant was designed specifically for Carbery and joint-funded by the company and the Irish Dairy Investment Fund.

Commenting on the new facility, Smith that Carbery “provides a clear example of the direction we should be heading in. The new plant will shift output away from commodity cheeses to produce more value-added small volume cheeses”.

By shifting its focus to lower-volume higher-value production, Carbery hopes to improve margins and build on its competitive position.

Commenting on the current difficult world dairy market, Smith emphasised that the Irish dairy sector has shown “resilience” and “flexibility” in the past to overcome such challenges.

“The dairy industry has shown an ability to innovate and adapt. The investment in this facility demonstrates confidence in the future of the Irish dairy sector and is indicative of the resolve of the industry to meet the competitive challenges of the market place head on,” he said.