Fresh Del Monte Produce is looking to tap into demand in the Middle East for convenience foods with new products and the launch of its own retail outlets.

The US group introduced Grab N’Go, a line of snacks and chilled foods, into Saudi Arabia and the UAE in the autumn and secured listings at retailers including 7-11, Carrefour and Geant.

The company has also developed a retail concept called Del Monte Fresh Market and has opened stores in the two markets in locations including shopping malls, airports and hospitals.

Speaking to just-food, a spokesperson for said the outlets sell “healthy fast food alternatives for people on the go”.

Fresh Del Monte’s expansion in the Middle East has also seen the company open a 20-hectare farm in Ras al Khaimah in the UAE that grows iceberg and romaine lettuce, broccoli, watermelon and strawberry. The company supplies the fresh-cut fruit and vegetables to major catering companies and for the salad bowls they sell in retail convenience stores.

The spokesperson said so far the range had been well-received. “The Middle East is a growing market. More and more people are interested in healthy eating solutions.

Fresh cut fruit and vegetables is a sector, she claimed, “growing year-on-year dramatically”.