Nestle has changed its product labelling system in an effort to help consumers make more informed choices about their diet and lifestyle.

Launched in 2005, the Nutritional Compass, found on 97% of Nestlé products worldwide, it has been updated to include new questions and answers boxes with product specific queries such as “How many cups of coffee can I have in one day?”.

The company said yesterday (18 August) that it also contains nutritional information and contact details for customer services.

Sanjay Sehgal, head of Nestle’s Corporate Wellness Unit, said: “We know that people are often confused by the sheer number and variety of different labelling systems, endorsements, and quality seals they are faced with when choosing products.

“The Nutritional Compass stands out from the rest by encouraging and empowering consumers to make tastier and healthier choices in a friendly language that they can understand.”